Legal Information

Naturalvi is a SARL company with a capital of  445000,00 €,42871999100021 RCS Paris
Headquartered at Rue de la gare – ZI de la Moder, Schweighouse sur Moder (registered under number 501 675 417 at the Strasbourg Trade and Companies Registry).

Publication director: Anne Baumuller
Phone:(+33) 3 88 07 27 80
email :

Le site est hébergé par la société Idealice au capital de 5000 € domiciliée 2B, Allée des Romains à WOLFISHEIM (67202). La structure générale, ainsi que les textes, images animées ou fixes, sons, graphismes, documents téléchargeables, bases de données et tout autre élément composant le site sont la propriété exclusive de la société Naturalvi.

L’ensemble de ce site relève de la législation française et internationale sur les droits d’auteur et de la propriété intellectuelle. Les noms, marques et enseignes cités sur ce site sont la propriété de leurs déposants respectifs. Toute utilisation ou reproduction, totale ou partielle, du site, des éléments qui le composent et/ou des informations qui y figurent, par quelque procédé que ce soit, constitue une contrefaçon sanctionnée par le Code de la propriété intellectuelle.

Toutefois, les informations propres à ce Site peuvent être utilisées par des tiers dans les conditions suivantes : toutes les informations diffusées directement sur le site par la société Naturalvi, à l’exception de l’iconographie, des photos, vidéos, affiches, logos et marques, pourront être reproduites, représentées ou rediffusées par des tiers après une simple information préalable du webmaster, à condition d’en mentionner la source. Elles ne pourront toutefois être utilisées à des fins ni commerciales ni publicitaires. La société Naturalvi se réserve la possibilité, à tout moment, sans préavis et sans avoir à motiver sa décision, d’interdire aux tiers concernés l’utilisation des informations telles que définies ci-avant. Dans ce cas, elle informera la personne concernée qui disposera de 8 jours ouvrés pour mettre fin à ses pratiques.

La société Naturalvi et son logo sont des marques déposées et protégées à ce titre par le droit des marques. Elles sont la propriété exclusive de la société Naturalvi. Toutes les autres marques citées appartiennent à leurs propriétaires exclusifs.


This entire site is governed by French and international copyright and industrial property laws. All reproduction rights are reserved. Complete or partial reproduction of this site on any medium whatsoever is strictly forbidden without the express authorization of Naturalvi.

E-mail privacy

For all emails sent to Naturalvi, please note that :

  • The confidentiality of correspondence transmitted via the Internet is not guaranteed,
  • E-mails are kept on computer for the time needed by the administration to process your request.

Use of cookies

Internet users are informed that when they visit the site, a “cookie” may be automatically installed on their browser. A “cookie” is a block of data which does not allow the user to be identified, but which is used to record information relating to the user’s browsing on the site.

This process is intended to enable Naturalvi to track users as they navigate through the site, in order to better meet their needs and expectations.

Users may prevent the use of cookies by deactivating this option in their browser settings.


The Naturalvi company authorizes any website to establish a link to the address after simply informing the publication manager. Any such link is subject to the legal provisions in force. Naturalvi reserves the right to prohibit such links at any time, without prior notice and without having to justify its decision. In this case, Naturalvi will inform the person concerned, who will have 2 working days to remove the link.

No mirroring

The Site may not be put online by a third party under another URL.

Applicable law

These conditions of use are governed, interpreted and applied in accordance with French law. In the event of a dispute, the French courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.


In accordance with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, the automated processing of nominative data from the Site has been declared to the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), which has issued a receipt.

Personal information

The website, as initially conceived, is not intended to collect personal data on its visitors. It may, however, be necessary to do so on an incidental basis, in particular to send a newsletter, to carry out statistical studies or to answer questions put directly to the site administrator.

In such cases, Naturalvi undertakes not to make any commercial use of the data with third parties, and to keep it only for as long as is strictly necessary for the purpose of processing.

The data collected is intended solely for the use of Naturalvi and its subcontractors in the performance of their duties (in particular, the site host). Any subcontractor who comes into contact with this data will be bound by an obligation of confidentiality. In particular, subcontractors must refrain from using personal data for their own purposes, or from disclosing all or part of such data to third parties.

Right of access and rectification: On this site, Internet users may be asked to provide personal data that may be subject to automated processing. If this is the case, in accordance with the French Data Protection Act 78-17 of January 6, 1978 (article 34), persons whose personal data is collected have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete such data. This right may be exercised by contacting the webmaster at the following address:

In addition, where data on this site is of a nominative nature, users must use it in accordance with current regulations and CNIL recommendations.


Crédit photo: iStock – Agence Idealice – Naturalvi.
Some images are generated using artificial intelligence

Concept and hosting: Agence de communication digitale Idealice

Les actualités de Naturalvi

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